Great Plains Accounting Software

Great Plains Accounting Software – Great Plains Accounting Software is a mid-market business accounting or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package that uses Microsoft SQL Server to store data. It is designed for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services.

Great Plains Accounting Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Great Plains Accounting Software

Great Plains Accounting Software, also known as Microsoft Dynamics GP, is a mid-market business accounting or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package that uses Microsoft SQL Server to store data. It is a comprehensive software solution that can help businesses of all sizes to manage their finances, operations, and supply chain.

Features and Benefits Great Plains Accounting Software

Great Plains Accounting Software, now known as Microsoft Dynamics GP, is a mid-market business accounting or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package that uses Microsoft SQL Server to store data. It’s a comprehensive solution designed to help businesses of all sizes manage their finances, operations, and supply chain.


  • Accounting: General ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgeting, and financial reporting.
  • Operations: Inventory management, order processing, customer relationship management (CRM), project management, and manufacturing.
  • Supply Chain: Procurement, purchasing, receiving, shipping, and warehousing.
  • Integrations: Integrates with Microsoft Office, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Azure, and other third-party applications.


  • Improved Accuracy and Reporting: Streamline financial processes and gain real-time insights into financial performance with accurate and detailed reports.
  • Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: Automate tasks and workflows to save time and improve efficiency across all departments.
  • Increased Visibility and Control: Gain real-time visibility into your operations, supply chain, and customer relationships.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Grow with your business with a scalable solution that can adapt to your changing needs.
  • Compliance: Enhance compliance with financial regulations and industry standards.
  • Security and Reliability: Protect your data with Microsoft’s security and reliability features.

Integrations Great Plains Accounting Software

When it comes to integrations, Great Plains Accounting Software, now known as Microsoft Dynamics GP, packs a punch. Here’s a breakdown of its integration capabilities:

Native Microsoft Integrations:

  • Microsoft Office: Seamless integration with Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power BI for effortless data exchange and reporting.
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Streamline customer relationship management by connecting sales, marketing, and accounting data.
  • Microsoft Azure: Leverage cloud-based services like Azure SQL Database for scalability and accessibility.

Third-Party Integrations:

  • Industry-specific applications: Connect with your industry’s leading software for specialized functions like eCommerce, HR, or manufacturing.
  • Financial institutions: Integrate with banks and payment processors for automated transactions and reconciliation.
  • Data analytics platforms: Connect with Power BI, Tableau, or other analytics tools for advanced data visualization and reporting.
  • E-commerce platforms: Integrate with Shopify, Magento, or other platforms for smooth order processing and inventory management.

Here are some benefits of these integrations:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: Automate tasks and workflows across different systems.
  • Enhanced data accuracy and visibility: Gain real-time insights into your data across all departments.
  • Better decision-making: Analyze data from different sources to make informed business decisions.
  • Reduced costs: Eliminate manual data entry and streamline processes for cost savings.

Popular integration options include:

  • Planergy: Streamline purchasing and accounts payable processes.
  • Acumatica Commerce Edition: Connect your online store with Great Plains for seamless order management and inventory tracking.
  • JetStream for Dynamics GP: Enhance reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • DocuSign: Integrate e-signatures for a paperless workflow.

Remember, the specific integrations you choose will depend on your individual business needs and goals.

Pricing Great Plains Accounting Software

Great Plains Accounting Software, now known as Microsoft Dynamics GP, offers flexible pricing options to cater to businesses of different sizes and needs. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Starter Pack:

  • Cost: $5,000 USD
  • Includes: 3 concurrent users, basic accounting features, and limited integrations.

2. Additional Full Users:

  • Cost: $3,000 USD per user
  • Ideal for: Businesses needing more than 3 concurrent users.

3. Extended Pack:

  • Cost: $10,000 USD
  • Includes: Additional features like manufacturing, project management, and advanced reporting.

4. Customization Pack:

  • Cost: $6,000 USD
  • Ideal for: Businesses needing to customize Dynamics GP to their specific needs.

5. Extended Human Resources & Payroll Pack:

  • Cost: $7,000 USD
  • Ideal for: Businesses needing HR and payroll functionalities.

Additional Pricing Considerations:

  • On-premise vs. Cloud: On-premise deployment requires upfront hardware and software costs, while cloud-based subscriptions offer predictable monthly costs.
  • Implementation and Training: Additional costs may be incurred for implementation services and user training.
  • Maintenance and Support: Ongoing maintenance and support contracts may be necessary.

Who is Great Plains Accounting Software for?

Great Plains Accounting Software, now known as Microsoft Dynamics GP, caters to a diverse range of businesses, but it shines brightest for these specific segments:

1. Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs):

  • Limited IT resources and budget: Great Plains offers a user-friendly interface and affordable pricing, making it accessible for SMBs with smaller IT teams and budgets.
  • Growing business with increasing financial complexity: As your business grows, Great Plains scales with you, providing robust features for managing complex financial processes.

2. Growing Businesses:

  • Outgrowing current accounting software: If your existing software can’t handle your expanding needs, Great Plains offers a comprehensive and scalable solution.
  • Need for automation and efficiency: Great Plains automates tasks and workflows, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives.

3. Businesses with Complex Financial and Operational Needs:

  • Multiple entities or locations: Great Plains can manage data across multiple entities and locations, providing centralized control and visibility.
  • Complex manufacturing or supply chain processes: Great Plains offers advanced features for managing intricate manufacturing and supply chain operations.
  • Need for advanced reporting and analytics: Gain deeper insights into your business performance with comprehensive reporting and analytics tools.

4. Businesses Looking for a Scalable and Flexible Solution:

  • Anticipating future growth and changing needs: Great Plains’ adaptability ensures it can grow and evolve alongside your business.
  • Desire to avoid vendor lock-in: Microsoft Dynamics GP offers open architecture and seamless integration with other Microsoft products, providing flexibility and avoiding vendor lock-in.

While Great Plains caters well to these specific segments, it’s important to note that it can also be valuable for:

  • Larger enterprises with specific needs: Its robust features can handle the demands of larger organizations with unique requirements.
  • Non-profit organizations: Great Plains offers features and functionalities relevant to non-profit organizations managing grants, donations, and memberships.

Ultimately, the ideal candidate for Great Plains Accounting Software is any business seeking a comprehensive, scalable, and user-friendly accounting and ERP solution that can grow and adapt with their evolving needs.

How Choosing Great Plains Accounting Software

Choosing the right accounting software, especially Great Plains Accounting Software (now Microsoft Dynamics GP), can be a complex decision. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process:

1. Assess your needs:

  • Business size and complexity: Great Plains is best suited for small to medium-sized businesses with moderate to complex financial and operational needs.
  • Current accounting system: Are you replacing an existing system, or starting fresh? Consider compatibility and data migration needs.
  • Features and functionality: Identify the essential features you need, like general ledger, accounts payable, inventory management, etc.
  • Budget: Consider upfront costs, licensing fees, implementation, maintenance, and training expenses.
  • Integrations: How important are integrations with other software you use, like CRM or HR systems?

2. Research and compare alternatives:

  • Explore other popular accounting software options like QuickBooks, Sage Intacct, or NetSuite.
  • Compare features, pricing, user reviews, and industry suitability.
  • Attend demos and webinars to get a feel for the software interface and capabilities.

3. Evaluate Great Plains Accounting Software:

  • Strengths: Scalability, robust features, integrations with Microsoft products, strong reporting and analytics.
  • Weaknesses: Can be complex for smaller businesses, higher upfront cost compared to some options.
  • Try a free trial: Microsoft offers a 30-day free trial to test the software before committing.

4. Talk to experts:

  • Consult with Microsoft Dynamics GP partners or accounting professionals familiar with the software.
  • Discuss your specific needs and get their recommendations.

5. Make your decision:

  • Weigh the pros and cons of each option based on your unique needs and priorities.
  • Choose the software that best fits your budget, functionality requirements, and long-term business goals.

Additional tips:

  • Don’t rush the decision: Take your time to research and compare options thoroughly.
  • Get user feedback: Get input from your accounting team or other stakeholders who will be using the software.
  • Consider future needs: Choose a software that can accommodate your growth and changing requirements.

Remember, choosing the right accounting software is an investment in your business efficiency and financial health. By carefully evaluating your needs and doing your research, you can find the perfect solution for your company.

Tips Using Great Plains Accounting Software

I’m happy to give you some tips on using Great Plains Accounting Software (Microsoft Dynamics GP)! To make my suggestions as relevant as possible, could you tell me a bit more about what you’d like to learn? Are you looking for general navigation and efficiency tips, or are you interested in specific modules like accounts payable, inventory management, or reporting?

The more information you provide, the better I can tailor my advice to your needs and help you unlock the full potential of Great Plains!

Here are some examples of how I can help:

General Tips:

  • Keyboard shortcuts and customization: Master keyboard shortcuts for common tasks and customize your workspace for optimal efficiency.
  • Search functions and filters: Learn how to use the powerful search and filter options to quickly find the information you need.
  • Report customization and automation: Create and automate custom reports for deeper insights into your financial data.
  • Integrations: Connect Great Plains with other software you use for a seamless workflow.

Module-Specific Tips:

  • Accounts Payable: Streamline your invoice approvals, automate payments, and manage vendor relationships effectively.
  • Accounts Receivable: Improve your cash flow with efficient customer invoicing, payment tracking, and collections management.
  • Inventory Management: Optimize your inventory levels, track stock movement, and avoid stockouts.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate insightful reports to analyze your financial performance, identify trends, and make informed business decisions.

Don’t hesitate to be specific! The more details you share about your needs and challenges, the more practical and valuable my tips will be.